People may not think of Maryland as being a place where hurricane damage is severe, but property owners in and around Annapolis know that this risk is possible. A person who is buying a house needs sufficient homeowners insurance from a firm such as the Henry M. Murray Agency. If the prospective policyholder is worried about the possibility of hurricane damage, he can sit down with an independent agent and discuss variations among policies to determine which coverage is best for his concerns. Flood insurance is one possible component of a homeowners policy that many people overlook.

Homeowners insurance covers many types of storm damage, including broken windows, damaged roofs and torn siding that can result from high winds and blowing debris. These incidents can result from a severe thunderstorm not associated with a hurricane. A problem often experienced with hurricanes that creates confusion in regard to homeowners insurance is that of flooding. A person who wants to buy home insurance in Annapolis needs to consult an agent about whether available policies provide coverage for flooding and whether that coverage does not apply in certain cases.

A person who lives in a flood plain would be wise to pay the extra amount on the premium for flood insurance. Even if flooding is rare and has not happened for decades, the repair work would be paid for in the event that a flood did occur. However, property owners who do not live in a flood plain are still vulnerable to flooding when a hurricane strikes. It has been said that everyone who lives in Maryland lives in a flood zone because weather can be entirely unpredictable. An individual does not need to have a house situated along a river or within view of the ocean to one day have a substantial amount of rainwater leading to serious problems.

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