moneyPeople are always looking for ways to save money on their insurance premiums. There are plenty of commercials on the TV that tell you how each company can “SAVE YOU MONEY in SO MANY MINUTES”.


One of the keys to saving money, and also preventing future headaches, is to communicate with your insurance agent frequently. Keep your agent’s phone number and/or e-mail address on your fridge underneath that handy pizza delivery magnet.

Greg Business

Remember to contact your agent when there are changes that need to be made to your policy, or when you have questions about the coverage provided on your policy. There are a lot of people who don’t look at their policies to see if a vehicle has been added or removed, and pay their premiums assuming everything is up to date on their policies.  Many people find out the hard way that a vehicle is not covered. They either receive a letter in the mail from the MVA requesting proof of insurance, or they get into an accident and find out that the vehicle does not have the correct coverage, or even worse, no coverage at all.

The same is with Home Insurance coverage. You should contact your agent when you make any renovations to your home. Your agent can then make sure that the coverage is adequate based on the renovations you have made, and also provide you with renovation credits on your policy.

Your agent is also there for billing questions and concerns. When you know that you are going to be late paying your insurance premium, it is best to contact your agent so they can assist you with making the payment over the phone, or by computer, or even requesting an extension if needed to avoid a late fee.

The simple use of communication can make your life much easier, and less stressful. Your insurance agent is there to assist you with all of your insurance needs.

Don’t rely on commercials that state the obvious about how you can save money on your insurance. Just talk to your agent, and they will explain ways to help you save money, and also protect your assets.

Greg A. Clem

Posted in: Uncategorized

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