beach vacation

Ease your mind by following these simple steps to protect your home from burglars while you’re away……

1- Make sure it appears you are home while you’re away. Light and moderate noise may deter burglars.

2- Use light switched timers to realistically simulate occupancy.

3- Leave shades, curtains, and blinds as you usually do.

4- Light up the porch and yard with a time controller.

5- Have lawns mowed, sidewalks swept, hedges clipped on schedule.

6- Lock all exterior doors securely. If you are worried about someone picking or forcing the lock — which is generally easy to do — use more secure locks including ones considered pick-resistant

7- Form a neighborhood crime watch with the assistance of your local police department. Team work, cooperation, common sense can help make or break a neighborhood.

8- Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your property when you are away. Do the same for them.

9- Arrange to have a neighbor pick up your mail, circulars, and newspapers when you are on vacation.  If that isn’t possible, cancel all deliveries, including newspapers. Arrange with your post office to hold your mail or leave it with a neighbor.

10- Never advertise your departure on social networks.

11- Invest in a good alarm system

Laura Kellner

Posted in: Uncategorized

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