Summer is just around the corner and soon swimming pools around the country will be filled with water in anticipation of another swimming season. Tenants at an apartment complex or vacationers at a hotel probably never stop to consider the potential liability exposures of a swimming pool. However, the owner of that apartment or hotel should be aware of the associated risks, and ways to help try to control them the best they can. Here are some tips to consider, which could help to ensure pool safety:
– Routine inspection and maintenance of pool fencing/gates/locks, etc.
– Ensure all lighting around indoor/outdoor pools are working so tenants/guests can clearly see where they are going and the area is free of any hazards.
– Regular check of alkaline, chlorine and disinfectant levels to make certain they are within an acceptable range at all times (want to make sure you’re killing any dangerous bacteria). Keep all pool chemicals in a secure, cool and dry location, out of reach of children and properly dispose of any old chemicals.
– On-going inspection and maintenance of the pool electrical components like pumps, heaters, or salt systems – repair or replace when showing signs of wear and tear.
– Pool rules and hours should be clearly posted and include an emergency number, like 911. Also, life saving devices, like life jackets, should be placed near the pool in a location where they can be seen and easily accessed.
– Repaint depth markings so swimmers know the shallow and deep ends.
With regular inspection, maintenance and enforcing strict pool rules, you can help prevent accidents, and help ensure that everyone can have fun in the sun!
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