Did you know that in the event of a covered loss this coverage will pay for the demolition of the undamaged building as a result of the enforcement of any ordinance or law. It will also cover the additional cost of the increase  cost of rebuiding the building. For example if the building is destroyed but it was built in 1970 and doesn’t have a sprinkler system or upgraded electrical system. This coverage would pay for these additional costs up to limit that you have purchased. That’s where the question of coverage is. Some companies  give you a flat limit but is that enough? If you are in the country they might not require any upgrades but down town Annapolis has numerous law changes from historic design of the building to sprinkler systems. Make sure you know your limit on your policy.

Remember that laws and regulations are constantly changing. March 1, 2017 new codes went into effect. Do you know what they are? Will you be covered for these additional items if you have a loss? Make sure you are keeping up.


David Kolb, President

Posted in: high value homes, homeowners insurance annapolis, personal insurance

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