Improvements to Help Sell Your Home
The world of real estate seems to be shaping up to be a sellers’ market. With High demand, and low supply, homeowners who are looking to sell, have the advantage. The only issue is that buyers are looking for a …
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Office Etiquette for Modern Times
Though the practice of good manners has diminished with the rise of technology, a polite demeanor is still appreciated in social and business situations. Etiquette is still one of the most important acts in our society, especially in the workplace. …
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If your anything like me, I am always looking for a Wheat- Free and Gluten-Free recipe. While browsing thru Allrecipes magazine I came across this recipe, was delicious! I topped with a little whipped cream and strawberries. Chocolate Chickpea Cupcakes …
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Vacation season is coming. A few weeks left of school and now you are trying to plan where to go, are the kids taking a friend, how you are going to travel, how long you will be gone and how …
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“Don’t worry. It’s covered!” Or is it?
As Valentine’s Day has passed how common will these headlines be? Lost Ring During Proposal At Yankee’s Stadium Skydiver drops ring during proposal Engagement Ring lost on beach Bride to be drops ring in waterfall What do you do when …
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Be Careful Where You Drive
BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU DRIVE YOUR CAR… WHO PAYS FOR DAMAGE TO YOUR VEHICLE IF DAMAGED BY RIOTING? Lately, it seems like every time you turn on the television, there are people in the streets demonstrating. There have been …
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It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Until Something Bad Happens
Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over, people tend to think about the next major holiday, Christmas! Making your shopping lists and checking it twice… It’s the most wonderful time of the year……..” until something bad happens….. Let’s say that …
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Teen Driver Safety Every Week
Last week was National Teen Driver Safety Week. As Insurance agents we hear the concerns from parents as they add their newly licensed drivers to their Insurance policy. While there are many state laws that are in place to protect your children, …
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National Fire Prevention Week
It’s National Fire Prevention Week. One of the most important measures in fire protection for any building (residential or commercial) is having the proper Fire/Smoke Detection System in place. Please make sure you have the right system installed in your …
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It’s time to go back to school!
Summer is over……Fall is near……It’s time to go back to school. What is on your “to do” list at this time of year? Getting school supplies, buying new clothes, new shoes, etc. is probably at the top of your list. …
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Is Your Pet Safe?
Do you regularly put your pet in danger? If your pets travel unrestrained in any vehicle, then the answer is “yes”. The idea of keeping your pets safe is not a new one. The Center for Pet Safety (CPS) has …
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IT Can Happen to YOU!
IT could happen to anyone. You’re online checking email, reading the news doing a little shoppping and you get a pop-up warning that a virus was detected on your computer and you need to contact Microsoft immediately. The pop-up also provides …
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