It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, Until Something Bad Happens
Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over, people tend to think about the next major holiday, Christmas! Making your shopping lists and checking it twice… It’s the most wonderful time of the year……..” until something bad happens….. Let’s say that …
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Vacant Homes are NOT Vacant of Risk
Can you tell which one of these homes is vacant? Does it matter? YES IT DOES!! Once a home is vacant for 30 or 60 consecutive days (depending on the policy), a typical homeowners policies will not cover vandalism, water …
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Maryland Law and Insurance Identification Card
Did you know it is now a law in Maryland you have an Insurance Identification Card? It is! To avoid a $50 fine you need to have either an electronic format on your cell phone/other portable devices or an actual …
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Workers Compensation Myths
Running a business is expensive and stressful, but having a team of people (employees) to rely on can help tremendously. In order to protect your business, as well as your valued staff, it is necessary to carry Workers’ Compensation coverage. …
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It’s time to go back to school!
Summer is over……Fall is near……It’s time to go back to school. What is on your “to do” list at this time of year? Getting school supplies, buying new clothes, new shoes, etc. is probably at the top of your list. …
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The Risk of not having Renters Insurance
You rent a house or apartment and do not have renters insurance. You don’t own that much stuff, or so you think. What’s the risk? Well, if the following happened to you, could you use help from an insurance …
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Do I really need Directors & Officers Liability?
Do I really need Directors & Officers Liability? Some small business executives believe that this type of policy, called D&O for short, is only for publicly traded companies. This is not true, privately held companies, regardless of size, aren’t exempt …
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Are You Prepared for Winter Driving?
As temperatures drop below freezing in the mid-atlantic be sure that you and your car are ready to drive in wintery conditions. In addition to having the appropriate maintenance service on your vehicle here are a few easy tips for …
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Insure Your Valuable Holiday Gifts
It’s the most wonderful time of the year to give and receive gifts! Are you planning to leave something shiny & expensive under the tree for a loved one? Do you know if it is covered under your current home …
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Rental Property Insurance
Because your rental property is such an important investment, you want to make sure that it is properly protected. A natural disaster or kitchen fire can do a lot more than just cause serious damage to the property. It can …
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What You Need to Know About Flood Insurance
If you’ve currently got a homeowners insurance policy, you may be under the impression that you’re covered in the event of a flood at your home. Unfortunately, while many homeowners insurance policies include coverage for water damage, most policies actually don’t cover …
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Boat Insurance For The Summer
Boating is an activity that many people enjoy. However, they typically do not want to think about all of the things that can go wrong while they are boating. Accidents do happen, so it is important for you to have …
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